Pink Piggies Lesson 15

Pink Piggies Lesson #15

Thank you so much for sharing instruments and friends with the class last week. Thank you for your participation last week, and for the many ways you contributed to our class throughout the past semester. It's been so enjoyable for me to watch your sweet kiddos grown and learn - musically, socially, physically, and intellectually. I love doing what I do!

If you'd like to join us for "White Horses" next semester, please let me know. Enjoy your summer!


Recent studies suggest that moving to music with your child triggers the release of oxytocin -- the "bonding" hormone. Babies whose experience with music also involves movement smile more, are easier to soothe, and are more willing to explore their environment. Sound Beginnings purposefully includes opportunities to move with your child, and we hope that in addition to a musically rich experience, you and your child have bonded and enjoyed your time together!
Optional home fun activity: No activity this week. If you missed any activity during the semester, you may want to complete it now
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)